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Gradient Boosting



In Machine Learning, Boosting refers to creating a stronger and more accurate learner by combining weak and simple learners. In other words, it is a technique of producing a stronger model by ensembling weak models. The principle that lies behind this concept is that integration of models may complement problems that individual models face.

Gradient Boosting

Loss/Cost Function

Simply Saying, the learning (training) of machine is achieved by finding parameters that minimizes loss function.

Loss function (or cost fuction) is a function that maps the difference between estimated value and real value.

Of course, the objective of using loss function is to minimize it; a method to achieve optimization.

Gradient Descent

Gradient Descent is one of the methods used to find the optimal parameters when solving minimization problem of loss function.

By calculating the partial derivative of the loss function with respect to parameters, gradient (or slope) can be calculated. Since the gradient tells how much the output of a function changes by the changing the input, it can be used to direct the model to reach its local minimum.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_boosting http://4four.us/article/2017/05/gradient-boosting-simply