Web Crawling with BeautifulSoup
06 Oct 2018![Tags:](/assets/images/tag-256.png)
Web crawling allows users to gather data directly from the internet. Web crawling is an act of software that explores world wide web (www) is an autonomous way to gather data. Portal’s search engines are based on these web crawlers that visits a myriad of web pages and collect data.
How it works
The internet is a collection of web pages formed by HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). We navigate these HTML pages through browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc..) which facilitates exploration of web through Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) and various plugins. Web crawling is done by parsing the HTML, filtering necessary parts and saving them into files.
- There may be legal penalties depending on the website that you wish to crawl
- Some websites has policies against web crawling (e.g. robots.txt contains information about data collection policy)
- Web crawling may cause traffic overload and this is pertinent to security issues
Basic Web Crawling with Python3
Required libaries: bs4, requests,
Simple Web Crawling
Simple web crawling can be achieved by using bs4 and requests libraries. The tricky part is in understanding structure of html and finding tags where the desired information belongs.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Connect to website via requests module
url = requests.get("your url that you wish to access")
# Retrieve html
html = url.text
# Parse the html data with BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
# You can see the HTML Raw Source code from the website that you have accessed
# Retrieving specific information, using html tags
### This retrieves the first html tag that has "div" tag and its class name "itemname"
### find_all function retrieves all tags that has "a" tag in the raw source codes
### shown as a list form
### get_text() function retrieves only text information from the specified tags